Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition

$750 Stipends Available
to Support Your Home Fire Sprinkler Outreach

Click Here to Apply

Introducing HFSC Studio

A House Fire Can Become Deadly in Less Than Two Minutes

Fire is fast. A fire can become deadly in less than 2 minutes. Synthetic materials burn quickly and produce deadly, poisonous smoke. Step into a real home fire with this 360° video shot in real time during two identical home fires, one with sprinklers and one without. Find out more →

Virtual Reality Home Fire and Sprinkler Videos

HFSC is taking this important educational strategy to the next level with live fire video in immersive virtual reality with user-controlled 360 degree views. Find out more.

bedroom fire

Learn About the Life-Saving Benefits of Home Sprinklers

Home fire sprinklers provide affordable, reliable and effective protection for your family.

Resources for the Fire Service

Home fire sprinklers protect everyone. This website provides the fire service with the tools and information you need to help your community understand the benefits of home fire sprinklers.

developer incentives fire sprinklers

Developer Tradeups and Incentives Educational Resources

FREE information for fire service personnel, Authorities Having Jurisdiction, and developers.

Our Latest News

HFSC Will Award $750 Stipends to 40 U.S. Fire Departments for Home Fire Sprinkler Outreach

February 3, 2025, FRANKFORT, IL - The Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition (HFSC) will select 40 fire departments to each receive a $750 stipend to conduct a Home Fire Sprinkler Week outreach program during the week of May 11-17, 2025. The stipend program is generously funded by a grant from State Farm®. Applicants for the stipend must sign up for the free Built For Life Fire Departments (BFLFD) program and describe

February 3rd, 2025|
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