The HFSC Blog
Fire Safety: Social Media Reaches Millennials
You’ve probably read a lot about millennials during this election cycle, and for good reason. Millennials* became our largest U.S. generation in 2015, edging out baby boomers at 75 million
Three Organizations, One Strong Voice: A look Back at HFSC’s Founding Members
HFSC founding members with HFSC spokesperson and home improvement expert Ron Hazelton after a fire sprinkler demo at the NFPA convention in Las Vegas. (Left to right) Ron Hazelton;
Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition Celebrates 20 Years with Fire Sprinkler Demonstration at NFPA’s Annual Conference in Las Vegas
On June 14, the nonprofit Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition’s (HFSC) spokesperson Ron Hazelton narrated a side-by-side fire sprinkler demonstration for attendees at the National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA) annual Conference
Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition Celebrates 20 Years with Fire Sprinkler Demonstration at NFPA’s Annual Conference in Las Vegas
Contact: Peg Paul (815) 592-9278 Frankfort, IL – On June 14, the nonprofit Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition’s (HFSC) spokesperson Ron Hazelton narrated a side-by-side fire sprinkler demonstration for
Maryland State Firemen’s Association Awarded Bringing Safety Home Award from NFPA and HFSC
Stephan Cox (left) and Richard Smith with the Maryland State Firemen’s Association accept the 2016 Bringing Safety Home Award from Lorraine Carli, NFPA vice president of Outreach and Advocacy
Maryland State Firemen’s Association Awarded Bringing Safety Home Award From NFPA And HFSC
May 25, 2016 – The National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA) Fire Sprinkler Initiative and the Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition (HFSC) awarded the Maryland State Firemen’s Association with the 2016 Bringing Safety Home