Community Impact and Fire Sprinklers

fire service educational resources

Sprinklers Benefit Residents, First Responders, Communities, and Developers

Sprinklered developments support Community Risk Reduction (CRR) as home fire sprinklers provide superior protection for responders and residents, benefitting the entire community for decades. Unsprinklered new-home fire exposure puts responders at risk from fire, collapse, and health hazards. Each new home built without sprinklers makes the community less safe for all. By protecting new housing stock, existing resources can be directed at high-risk populations and existing unsprinklered structures.

FREE Information and Presentation Materials for Developers, Builders and Local Officials

HFSC has developed a library of information and resources you can use to educate elected and local officials, developers and builders about the benefits of including fire sprinklers in communities and local codes.

Fire Sprinklers Support Community Risk Reduction Programs

Fire department resources are always scarce. By controlling the spread of fire, home fire sprinklers free up time that can be shifted to risk reduction programs such as smoke alarm distribution and fire safety education.

Find out more about sprinklers and CRR including our new Community Impact Tool here.

community impact tool

Create a Presentation Using Local and National Statistics

Our customized presentation compares sprinklered communities to unsprinklered communities. Calculate the impact on your community including the costs of property damage, deaths and injuries to persuade officials about the need to enact or keep fire sprinkler codes.

Fact Sheets and Case Studies Support Your Presentation

You can download or include our fact sheets and case studies in your presentation to validate and increase audience support.

Sprinklers Can Reduce the Cost of Development

Fire sprinkler incentives can provide opportunities to utilize land better by allowing development in areas that cannot otherwise be developed due to terrain or environmental constraints. Incentives can also reduce infrastructure and other construction costs by offering developers reduced street width, increased hydrant spacing and single access points. Incentives also increase profitability by permitting higher density, longer dead end streets and T turnarounds.

Find out more about how sprinklers benefit developers including incentive details here.

Free Resources to Present to Stakeholders

HFSC has developed a library of information and resources you can use to educate consumers, elected officials, developers and builders about the benefits of including fire sprinklers in homes. Our library of resources includes Powerpoint Presentations, video clips, PDF guides, and case studies.