The Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition Community Impact Tool

This tool combines national and local data to present a comprehensive view of the true costs of fire. Those involved in decision making about local fire codes, including AHJs and local officials, can gain better insight into the cost and safety benefits of home fire sprinklers and and their impact on community risk reduction.

The Community Impact Tool allows fire officials to enter local fire data such as injuries, deaths, equipment used, and other data points to highlight the difference home fire sprinklers make in community risk reduction. The local data is combined with national data to provide a complete overview of how fire sprinklers benefit communities.

The data are formatted and output for presentation to local officials and AHJs on the benefits of requiring fire sprinklers in new developments and putting or keeping it in the local codes.

How to Use the Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition Community Impact Tool

  1. Fill out the form to select which data points you would like to show in your presentation.
    1. Go to
    2. If you are not logged in, use the Login button to log into an existing account or Register if you do not have an account.
    3. If you are logged in, click on Go to your Input Form
    4. Once logged in it will take you to
    5. Fill in the form with your data
    6. Upload your logo if you would like it to appear at the end of the presentation.
    7. On the last page of the form click the download button and it will redirect you to the download page
    8. Wait for the buttons to turn color (5 – 10 minutes) you can then download the PPT or PDF
  2. Once you’ve filled out your data and submitted it, the tool will automatically create a presentation in either PowerPoint or PDF formats.
  3. You can use the file as the presentation or share the PDF document. 

