New Home Fire Timeline Animation Now Available

HFSC’s signature home fire timeline that illustrates how fast a fire grows compared to how quickly a fire sprinkler prevents a fire from becoming deadly is now available as an animated graphic. Using vivid graphics and sound effects, the new

New Timeline Helps Explain Speed of Fire

HFSC developed a new home fire timeline to show growth of a fire with and without fire sprinklers. During the first 90 seconds after the fire starts, the smoke alarm activates and heat from the fire activates the sprinkler.

Fire Safety: Social Media Reaches Millennials

You’ve probably read a lot about millennials during this election cycle, and for good reason. Millennials* became our largest U.S. generation in 2015, edging out baby boomers at 75 million (Pew Research). That’s a lot of votes. And a lot

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